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Can Felons with DUI get Jobs?

Jobs for FelonsCan Felons with DUI get Jobs?


Can Felons with DUI get Jobs

My Husband has a felony and two DUIs. The last DUI was in 2010. He is having a terrible time finding a job. Our bills are backed up and and he is feeling really bad about it. I don’t know which is worse, the felony or the DUIs. Are there any companies that you know of that don’t do background checks? If he just catch one break, I believe he will be ok.

Please help.


Can Felons with DUI get Jobs?



One fact is, your husband’s record isn’t going to go away. Another fact is there are very few companies that do not do background checks. My suggestion is to try smaller perhaps family owned businesses. Background checks are expensive and smaller companies are less apt to spend the money for them.

The suggestion I make to all ex-offenders looking for jobs is to go to the local One-stop Career Center. Your husband can get one-on-one assistance with his job search from trained counselors and have access to many other job search resources. The local One-stop also lists of open jobs in your area. The counselors often are familiar with employers who hire ex-offenders.

You can your local One-stop Career Center here:


My final suggestion is to contact your local United Way office. The United Way supports many community organizations and service. You can find out if there are resources that aid recovering alcoholics. Often these resources include job assistance. The United Way can probably guide you to other services that help struggling families.

I hope this helps.



Are you an ex-offender or felon who has a question about finding a job with a criminal record? You could have your question answered right here. Email your question to: BelievePublications@comcast.net.

companies that hire felons


Can Felons with DUI get Jobs?


Companies Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Felons | Jobs For Ex-offenders | Jobs That Hire Felons | Places That Hire Felons | Felon Friendly Jobs | Felon Friendly Employers | Jobs for Felons | Jobs For People That Have Felonies | Jobs For People With A Criminal Record | DWI | DUI