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Ex-offenders and Felons can get Jobs

Ex-offenders and Felons can get Jobs

Ex-offenders and Felons can get JobsHello,

My name is Eric Mayo.  Welcome to my blog.  I have helping ex-offenders and felons get jobs for many years.  Many people with criminal records feel they have no chance at getting jobs. That is far from the truth. Though it may be a bit more challenging to ex-offenders and felons, it is possible to to compete for jobs. To do this, felons must construct a plan to neutralize the effects of having a criminal record. It is definitely going to be more challenging, but the challenges can be overcome by hard work, planning and creativity. I started this blog to offer ex-offenders and felons practical advice and other useful information that can help them get jobs.

What I want everyone to understand that jobs are not going to come to you.  You are going to have to go and get them.  Getting a job is tough.  Getting a job with a criminal record is even tougher.  You are have to work harder, smarter and longer than the average job seeker because your record has put you in somewhat of a handicapped position.  No one is going to feel sorry for you.  The only thing that is going to work is hard work.  Felons get hired everyday so don’t let your record get in your way.  The only thing stopping you is you.

I will be updating this blog often so make it a point to stop by from time to time to see what questions have been asked and answered here.  There are pages and pages of questions I have answered as well as other information that will be helpful in your job search.  You can also search for jobs in your area at the top of the page.  If after a while a questions similar to your situation has not been asked, feel free to send me an email with your question.  I may not be able to answer your question right away, so look through the available responses.  Maybe you will find some information that will help you.

To get everyone started, I’m going to share one of my favorite videos.

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Where can Ex-offenders Find Jobs

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to Getting a Job with a Criminal Record


Ex-offenders and Felons can get Jobs

This Book Has Helped Thousands of Felons Get Jobs ! You can get a copy of this book for as little as $5.00 Click Here!

Ex-offenders and Felons can get Jobs

Companies Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Felons | Jobs For Felons | Jobs For Ex-offenders | Jobs That Hire Felons | Resumes for Felons | Felon Friendly Jobs | Felon Friendly Employers | Jobs for Felons | Jobs For People That Have Felonies | Jobs For People With A Criminal Record