From Jail to a Job

If you feel like

you’re running around

in circles trying

to get a job

with a criminal record,

keep reading.





Felons who know exactly what to do get jobs.  

You are about to learn secrets thousands of felons are using today to get jobs.

From Jail to a Job

Companies that Hire Felons

Learn these secrets today


How to clean up your criminal record


How to use e-mail to get a job


Where to find hidden jobs that others won’t


How to get powerful and influential people to help you get a job


How to avoid the top five common application mistakes 


Discover why the newspaper is one of the worst places to find jobs


Why you should never use “Will discuss at interview” on applications


Discover no fewer than 20 valuable skills that you already have, that employers love


How to write a resume


Government programs that help convicted felons get jobs


How to interview like a pro


Learn the ten things never to do on an interview


Plus many more powerful tips you won’t find anywhere else!


Everything you need to know to get a job with a
criminal record is in this book!


From Jail to a Job

⇒Don’t be fooled by amateur imitations!⇐


This book is a “must-have” for all ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs!

If you know someone who has been to prison or will be released soon,  give them exactly what they need to get a job.


This book has helped thousands of felons across the country get jobs.

If you have a criminal record and you are serious about getting a job,

or you really want to help someone you care about,

get this book now for as little as $5.00!

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: From Jail to a Job


From Jail to a Job


The Best Five Dollars You Will Ever Spend!


Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: From Jail to a Job

Dear Mr. Mayo,

For the past 12 years, I have been struggling to get and keep jobs due to having a felony.  I found your website after watching a YouTube video (How to get a job with a felony, etc…) I’ve been to several agencies here in Charlotte, NC that specialize in helping ex-offenders obtain employment/rebuild their lives.  None of them can compare to the EXCELLENT information you have provided in your book From Jail to a Job.  I found your book yesterday.  I have an interview today.  Though I wasn’t able to read all the way through to the end, I was able to skim and get enough information and confidence to ace today’s interview.  Even if I don’t get this position I’ll be ready for the next.  Thank you for all that you do.



Charlotte, NC

SO AM I acknowledges Eric Mayo and his continued efforts and a dedication to being a “World Changer”! I have read your book and used it as a tool at my previous place(s) of employment and I highly recommend it. Ex-offenders have a place in my heart too and I believe they should be given a fair chance as well. I say to you continue to break down barriers in this bitter-sweet world. “I am my brother’s keeper…” is what Jesus spoke not ” I am my successful, good looking, rich, educated, etc…brother’s keeper….” Who’s your brother? Let’s get it right people! Give an ex-offender a chance to re-integrate back into society and become a positive change in this world. SO AM I salutes Eric Mayo this month as “World Changer” Thank you Eric for being a “World Changer…”

S.ister O.n A. M.ission I.ndefinitely

Check Out what people are saying about this book!

From Jail to a Job, by Eric Mayo Okay – before you skip over this one (for those of you who have never been incarcerated) – consider investing in this book. For my dollar, this is hands-down the best, most practical job search guide out there – and it’s not even available on!

Click the link to find this

Maria’s Picks: Books for the Job Market Battlefield , The Working Girl's World

Read what the reviewers at Serious Reading have to say about this book.

In most parts of the world, it is not easy to get a job as an ex-convict no matter your skills and expertise. Eric Mayo, the author of this book, has been helping ex-offenders and felons get employment for over a decade now. He does this by teaching them the various personal development and life skills that they need to survive in the competitive world. Unlike other similar books in the market, From Jail to a Job provides a verified systematic guide that you can use to get a job despite having a criminal record. Since its release into the market, it has helped hundreds, if not thousands, of ex-offenders to apply and get jobs in different parts of the world. The author, Eric, did a great job to compile factual tips that you can use to earn the trust and respect of your employer. He uses a simple language that is easy to understand, and all the tips are pragmatic.

Read the entire review here:  From Jail to a Job – Book Review

Dear Mr. Mayo,

For the past 12 years, I have been struggling to get and keep jobs due to having a felony.  I found your website after watching a YouTube video (How to get a job with a felony, etc…) I’ve been to several agencies here in Charlotte, NC that specialize in helping ex-offenders obtain employment/rebuild their lives.  None of them can compare to the EXCELLENT information you have provided in your book From Jail to a Job.  I found your book yesterday.  I have an interview today.  Though I wasn’t able to read all the way through to the end, I was able to skim and get enough information and confidence to ace today’s interview.  Even if I don’t get this position I’ll be ready for the next.  Thank you for all that you do.




Charlotte, NC

Very Informative!  There is some basic information, and some that you can only get from a professional like Eric Mayo. It’s not a long read, but it gets to the point. Anyone who needs advice in finding a job should buy this. Also check Eric Mayo out on Facebook, he gives extra information.
Published Review by customer Mary B.

Being an instructor in the Texas Prison System, this book is truly informative and well written. Every former offender and their families ought to own this book and use this book to assist in the job search. As an instructor I use this material to get my guys ready to rejoin the “free world”. Eric reminds the offenders that the rules of the game have changed for them, now that they have been convicted. His advice is poignant and easy to follow.
Published Review by customer J. L. Farquhar

Mr. Mayo provides some practical advice for those being released from jail or prison and engaged in a job search. I have seen, first hand, in working with women in a re-entry program, how daunting it can be to find a job with a future, or any job for that matter. They struggle with how to explain the break in employment and how to answer interview questions. This provides some reasonable answers.
Published Review by customer Susan Swope

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: From Jail to a Job


Get a copy of “From Jail to a Job” for as little as $5.00!


Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: From Jail to a JobEverything you need to get a job with a criminal record is right here.


Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: From Jail to a Job

You can have the soft-cover edition of this book, signed by the author, sent to an inmate.


Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: From Jail to a Job

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: From Jail to a Job

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Click HERE to download the kindle version of this book.

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Jobs for Felons: From Jail to a Job


Companies Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Felons | Jobs For Felons | Jobs For Ex-offenders | Jobs That Hire Felons | Places That Hire Felons | Felon Friendly Jobs | Felon Friendly Employers | Jobs for Felons | Jobs For People That Have Felonies | Jobs For People With A Criminal Record