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Ex-offender can’t find a job as a cook

Jobs for Feons

Hello sir,

I have many years experience as a cook. I even worked in the kitchen when I was incarcerated. Even with all of my experience, I cant find work. I filled out many applications but I have not found anything. I really enjoy cooking. I need some help.


Ex-offender can’t find a job as a cook



A: A lot of people are looking for work. Please don’t give up. Don’t let being an ex-offender stop you from your profession.  In the mean time I suggest getting your local telephone directory and make a list of all of the restaurants and bars/grilles in your area. Visit each one of them and inquire about open positions. Even if they don’t have any openings, leave your contact information and make yourself available for on-call work. Often restaurants are in trouble when employees for some reason or another cannot make it to work. You could fill in on an as needed basis. I’m sure if you do a good job, you will be at the top of the list when an opening arises.  I bet the question about being an ex-offender will never come up.

You should also consider temporary employment.  Apply to temporary employment agencies in you area.  Some agencies cater especially to the food service industry and can be a great way to find a permanent job.

I hope this helps.

 Where Can Ex-offenders and felons Find Jobs?

Ten Steps to Getting a Job with a Criminal Record

I have been helping ex-offenders and felons get jobs for over ten years and I feel I have an understanding of what works. I will be updating this blog often. I will answer specific questions relating to getting a job as an ex-offender on this blog so feel free to send me your questions. You can send email me believePublications@comcast.net



Companies that Hire Felons

Ex-offender can’t find a job as a cook

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