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Do I have to put misdemeanors on applications?

Do I have to put misdemeanors on applications?


Generally misdemeanors are offenses that have sentences of less than one year and usually served in the county jail or simply have probation periods. Felonies typically have sentences of more than a year and are served in state prison.


Do I have to put misdemeanors on applications?


Typically applications will ask about convictions of crimes.   Both misdemeanors and felonies are both considered crimes.  Of course all applications are not the same.   The typical question will ask, “have you been convicted of a crime other than a traffic violation?”   As I always suggest for all ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs.  Be honest!  There have too many ex-offenders and felons I know who did not list their convictions on applications, gotten jobs and were fired after background checks were done later.  They were not let go because they were ex-offenders.  They were let go because they were not honest on applications.

Many applications have a Certification/Release Statement that the applicant must sign before the application is accepted.  This statement may also be called an Authorization.  Whatever is is called, the employer is asking you to certify with your signature that all of the information you have given is correct.  Part of this certification is a release that gives the employer access to information provided by past employers, law enforcement agencies, educational institutions and other organizations that may have information about you.

To be on the safe side, I encourage all of my students to be honest by listing each and every conviction, both crimes and misdemeanors.  They should be list in a particular way so there are no further questions .  You should list them like this:

In reference to criminal records, it is necessary to list all relative information.  Include the name of the conviction, date, location, and the disposition (time served, fine and/or probation.)


Public Intoxication   6/16/05    Atlanta, GA  Probation Served (6 mos.)

You may have to practice to fit your response into the space given.  For those who have more than one conviction, list your convictions on a separate sheet of paper, make copies, and attach a copy to each application you complete.  In the space provided, write “see attached sheet.”  Be sure to list each and every conviction.

I hope this helps


Are you an ex-offender who has a question about finding a job with a criminal record? ‘Eric Mayo helps Felons and Ex-offenders get Jobs. You could have your question answered right here. Email your question to BelievePublications@comcast.net.


 Do I have to put misdemeanors on applications?


Do I have to put misdemeanors on applications?

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Do I have to put misdemeanors on applications?

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  1. Avatar for jamar southall jamar southall October 25, 2018