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Ex-offender with multiple convictions needs a job

Ex-offender with multiple convictions needs a job


Q: Hello,

My name is Alisa R. I have one disorderly in Oct 99 (4th degree) unlawful poss of a weapon. In July 2003 I have a felony of (3rd degree) assault. Currently right now i am on probation for forgery/alter (3rd degree.) All these charges were within 5 years of each other. I am located in NJ. Here they said I am not eligible for expungement. Also I would have to wait until I am off of probation before i can make any moves. Its extremely hard to get a job and I am getting frustrated can you please help. I haven’t done jail time for any of these offenses. They all ended up with probation and a fine.


Ex-offender with multiple convictions needs a job



Hello Alisa,

It’s true you may not yet be a candidate for expungement because you cannot even apply until 10 years has passed since your initial probation ended. It probably will not help anyway because New Jersey only permits one felony expungement.

There may be a few concerns from employers in regard to the nature of your convictions. You have a weapons conviction and an assault conviction, both considered violent offenses. Employers may be hesitant to consider you because of a perceived potential for violence. You also have a forgery conviction which is considered an “integrity” crime. You would not be considered for any position where anything of value is at risk. Your options are limited to positions that do not include contact with customers or merchandise.

I suggest to ex-offenders and felons in similar situations to apply for factory or stock work, telemarketing or even food preparation. These are not glamorous options but you must start somewhere.

Contact your local One-stop Career center for assistance locating open positions in your area. Take a minute and watch the video below.


Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Where Ex-offenders and Felons Can Find Jobs

 Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to getting a Job with a Criminal record

 Jobs for Felons: Felons can get jobs using the Federal Bonding Program

Are you an ex-offender or felon who has a question about finding a job with a criminal record? You could have your question answered right here. Email your question to: BelievePublications@comcast.net.

Ex-offender with multiple convictions needs a job


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Ex-offender with multiple convictions needs a job