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Fiance of a felon wants to help

Fiance of a felon wants to help


Help for Ex-offenders and Felons Looking for Jobs

Q: Hi,

I happened to search Facebook looking for a group of sorts that could offer some advice and I stumbled across your fan page and blog.

My fiance is an felon and his charge is 10 years old. He recently moved to Georgia to be with me and has been on the job hunt. I must admit I was completely ignorant to what it took for someone with a criminal past to gain employment and I just need to know how I can help him. I am very hopeful and supportive and am not applying pressure for him to gain employment but he and I both know I wont be able to support us both forever. I feel for him because while he is seriously incredibly intelligent and willing and able, no one is willing to give him a chance.

Where should we be looking for employment and how can I continue to help? I am open to any advice that you may provide because it is important to me that I am here for him in the best ways possible. This is frustrating enough as and I want to be the best future wife I can be as we push through this.

Thank you very much for your time and I appreciate any assistance you can provide.



Fiance of a felon wants to help


A:  Hello TL,

I’m glad you are trying to help your fiance. Ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs need all the help they can get.  It won’t be easy but don’t let him give up.  As I tell all ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs is to develop a plan. His first stop should be the local One-stop Career Center. One-stop Career Centers are very underutilized resources that a felon can use not only to gain employment, but to get vocational guidance and career preparation. These centers offer a long list of useful services. Some services available are:

Career planning and counseling

Workshops (Resume Writing, Interviewing Skills, and related topics.)

Computers with internet access and word processing

Daily access to thousands of job listings

Job-related magazines and local newspapers

Job postings and referrals

Printers, fax machines, phones, and copiers for job searching

Every center is staffed with trained counselors that provide one-on-one help for job seekers. Many of them have experience helping ex-offenders and felons.

You can find the center nearest you here:



I hope this helps.


Jobs for felons: Where Ex-offenders and Felons can find jobs


Are you an ex-offender or felon who has a question about finding a job with a criminal record? You could have your question answered right here. Email your question to: BelievePublications@comcast.net.

Companies Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Felons | Jobs For Felons | Jobs For Ex-offenders | Jobs That Hire Felons | Resumes for Felons | Felon Friendly Jobs | Felon Friendly Employers | Jobs for Felons | Jobs For People That Have Felonies | Jobs For People With A Criminal Record

Fiance of a felon wants to help