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Can I work in a hospital with Deferred Conviction?

Can I work in a hospital with Deferred Conviction?

Can I work in a hospital with Deferred Conviction?

Hello Mr. Mayo,

Last year I was arrested and and charged with a crime.  I was given deferred conviction.  I just applied to work in the kitchen of a hospital.  It is a really good job and I want to know if that deferred conviction will keep me from getting it.


 Can I work in a hospital with Deferred Conviction?

Hello Kelly,

Can I work in a hospital with Deferred Conviction?

Deferred Conviction / Deferred Judgement / Deferred Adjudication is sometimes offered to first time offenders who commit lesser crimes.  It allows the offender to keep a clean record.  In most cases the offender enters a guilty plea and is sentenced to probation and and a fine.  One the probation is finished and fine is paid, the original charges are dropped allowing the offender to keep a clean record.  Since the charges are dropped, there is no conviction.  The arrest will be there but no conviction.  This process allows the court system to process more cases without clogging up courtrooms.

When it comes to applying for jobs, most employers are only concerned with convictions rather than arrests.  When filling out the application, pay careful attention to the wording.  If the application asks “Have you ever been arrested……” You must list the arrest.  If it asks “Have you ever been convicted……”  you can answer “No” because there was no conviction.

I hope my explanation makes sense.  If it does not, I suggest you contact either the prosecutor of the case or your probation officer to give you a better explanation.  The point I am making is, do not list your arrest if you do not have to.  I encourage everyone with a criminal background who is looking for a job to never offer information that isn’t asked for.  Never tell anyone anything they don’t have to know especially if could harm your chances of getting hired.

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Can I work in a hospital with Deferred Conviction?


Can I work in a hospital with Deferred Conviction?

Can I work in a hospital with Deferred Conviction?