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Ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs; How to tie a tie

Ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs: How to tie a tie
Ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs: How to tie a tie

Former DA’s widow joins suit drive for ex-offenders

People do tend to judge books by their covers.  I have helped thousands of ex-offenders and felons get jobs and the most important interview advice I give is for them to look their absolute best.  The first impression you make on a potential employer is the most important one. The interviewer will first judge you on how you look. It’s always important to dress professionally for a job interview, even if the work environment is casual.  You will never get a second chance to make a first impression

The person dressed in a well fitting suit, tie and shined shoes is going to make a much better impression than the person dressed in jeans, a t-shirt and boots.  You’ll want that first impression to be not just a good one, but a great one. Looking like a professional will make the interviewer focus on you rather than the fact that you have a record.  Unfortunately I meet too many people who cannot tie a tie

A tie is a powerful tool that can help ex-offenders and felons get jobs!

How to tie a tie

  Are you a felon who is having difficulty finding a job? You can have your questions answered on this blog. Just send your questions to adogzheart2@gmail.com

If you are really serious about getting a job with a criminal record or helping someone you care about get a job, check out this link: From Jail to a Job

From Jail to a Job

Real Help for Ex offenders and Felons Looking for Jobs


Ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs; How to tie a tie


 Ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs; How to tie a tie

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