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Felon needs job and career direction

Felon needs job and career direction

Felon needs job and career direction
U.S. Attorney pushes job training for former inmates


My name is Dominique. I’m 23 and am a convicted felon. I was charged in 07 out of prison in 08 and discharged from parole in 09… I have been clean on sober since been incarcerated. Although I don’t have any drug charges that was the cause of my mishaps.

I went to a regular college for a little bit but I felt things were going too slow and I needed something to show for my age and enrolled in a Tech school for an Administrative Office Professional degree.  It’s a fancy way of saying secretary. I am graduating at the end of the month and just don’t feel like that will be enough for me and my life. I want to continue in business but didn’t really have a kind of business in mind. I have always been interested in helping people and was looking into a mortuary science degree. It will be a few years before I can complete the prerequisites and then the program, but after that will any doors actually be open for me? I was doing some reading and it’s going to be a very difficult road. I don’t know what to do.

I am from California and was wondering if you knew anyone out this way I could talk to. I also read that from my discharge date I had to wait 7 years to file for a certificate of rehabilitation and then from there I can see about getting my record expunged. 7 year!? I have to wait that long to start my life and there is no guarantee. I can’t afford to do that and am desperately seeking help in this matter.  Is there ANYTHING I can do?

Felon needs job and career direction

Hello Dominique,

Do not assume your record will hold you back. If you want to be a mortician, you should find out if you conviction will prohibit you being licensed. Don’t assume it will.

You can more information here:

California Cemetery and Funeral Bureau

Next I suggest speaking to a legal professional about the expungement process. Many ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs seek legal assistance before starting an employment search. You can get free or nearly free assistance at you local legal aid office. You can find you nearest legal aid office ion you local phone book.

Even if being a mortician isn’t in the cards for you, working in an office environment will give you experience and the opportunity to meet people and build contacts.  Who know what opportunities will open up for you

I hope this helps.

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Employment Background Checks: Know Your Rights

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: The Truth About Background Checks

Jobs for ex-offenders and Felons: Expungement of Criminal Records


Felon needs job and career direction

This Book Has Helped Thousands of Felons Get Jobs ! You can get a copy of this book for as little as $5.00 Click Here!

Felon needs job and career direction

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