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Felon wants job as firefighter

Felon wants job as firefighter

Felon wants job as firefighter

Man fulfills dream of becoming

FDNY probie after 18-year bid


I came across your website and I need some guidance for my boyfriend. He has a felony he got when he was 17 for a drug charge. He completed his time and now hes 25 years and has been doing great. He’s a car salesman but he works a lot and we have a little boy with whom he wants to spend more time with. He would love to be a firefighter. Or something of the sort… I know his felony stops him from doing a lot but he really has changed. We live in Texas? Do have any suggestions or know anyone we can speak to? We just need to figure out where to start.


Felon wants job as firefighter

Hello Diana,

Your boyfriend has a job so he is ahead of the game.  The best time to find a job is when you already have one.

I do know of ex-offenders and felons who have gotten jobs as firefighters. The decision to hire individuals rest upon the respective municipalities. I suggest your boyfriend inquire with the jurisdiction he wishes to serve in as to his eligibility.

Felon wants job as firefighterhe should speak to the firefighters themselves to find out how they got to where they are.  As I also suggest to ex-offenders and felons who want to work for the public is to contact elected officials and ask for information. He should express his desire to be employed and once again become a productive member of society. Elected officials have staff members that answer letters and respond to inquiries from citizens. Officials that could offer assistance are: Mayors, Council Members, Commissioners, Aldermen, Board Members, Assemblymen, and Judges. He should not ask for a job. He should only ask for suggestions about how someone like him could be a firefighter.

I hope this helps.

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Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Where can Ex-offenders Find Jobs

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Felon wants job as firefighter

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Felon wants job as firefighter

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