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Felons should always be honest applying for jobs

Felons should always be honest applying for jobs
Felons should always be honest applying for jobs

Tight job market is good for felons, people with disabilities

and others who are hard to employ

I was arrested in May of 2008 for the charge of burglary. I took a plea agreement that lessened the conviction to Felony Trespassing (3rd degree) in New Jersey. My question is if potential employers will see something like Trespassing as just as bad as any other felony or if I am worrying too much and thinking I will be constantly passed over for jobs because I am grouped in the same “Felony” category as people who have committed violent crimes, robbery, and etc. I have a college degree and 2 years work experience in a media-related field but keep applying to jobs with the notion that my charges are always going to hold me back from getting a job within the field of media, marketing, and promotion. With so many employers conducting background checks, I just want to see how a Felony Trespassing charge looks to them and if I am still hireable. Thank you so much for taking the time to help a person in need.


Felons should always be honest applying for jobs

Hello A,

Felons should always be honest applying for jobsI encourage all ex-offenders and felons to always be honest when applying for jobs.  Your situation isn’t as bad as it seems. Trespassing is a relatively minor offense and there are no integrity questions surrounding it. Whenever the question comes up on an application or on an interview, be honest. Typically on an application, the question will be, “Have you been convicted of a crime other than a traffic violation?” You will answer honestly.

In reference to convictions, it is necessary to list all relative information. Include the name of
the conviction, date, location, and the disposition (time served, fine and/or probation.)


Trespassing (isolated incident) 8/12/08 Newark, NJ Probation 6 mos

I used the notation “isolated incident.” It gives the impression that you are not a criminal, but a person that just found himself in a bad situation…something that can happen to anyone. If the question comes up, don’t go into detail, just give an answer just like that.

The most important thing I suggest to all ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs is to be honest. there no sense in being dishonest only to lose a job when a background check is done.

I hope this helps


Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Where can Ex-offenders Find Jobs

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to Getting a Job with a Criminal Record


Felons should always be honest applying for jobs

This Book Has Helped Thousands of Felons Get Jobs ! You can get a copy of this book for as little as $5.00 Click Here!

 Felons should always be honest applying for jobs 


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