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Sex offender needs help finding a job

Sex offender needs help finding a job


Q: Hello,

My name is Carlton. I am 23 years old and have never had a real job. I got a felony at the age of 14 for a crime that was committed at the age of 12. My adoptive family allowed abusive things to happen to my siblings and I, and even committed some abusive acts. When I decided to contact authorities about their abuse, my adoptive mother countered it by claiming that I was terrorizing the household with sexual acts that I didn’t even know how to perform at that age. I have to register as a sex offender until November 2013, at which point I will apparently be scott free! However, the charge scares me and I have been very shy about finding a job until now. My life is now forcing me to seek out a job. I have documentation stating when I got the charge, my “no risk” status and the date in which Texas will remove me from the database. I desperately need a job…anything that someone of a small stature might be able to do. How do I go about finding a job even tho I know they will do a background check? And how can I give the details to the potential employers? Thank you so much for listening and responding.


Sex offender needs help finding a job


A: Hello Carlton,

A sex offender will have a hard time getting jobs. I suggest reaching out to your parole or probation officer. Often they have knowledge of employers who would hire a sex offender.

I suggest also contacting your local United Way. The United Way supports social agencies that provide services to ex-offenders and felons. Goodwill Industries has a proven record of employing ex-offenders and felons as well as offering other services . You will find more information here:


A different solution is to apply for temporary work. Many employers are in need of temporary help. Often temporary employees are hired permanently. Smaller independent agencies are a better choice than larger, nationally known ones. Independent agencies are free to hire anyone they choose and are more likely to a sex offender.

Jobs for a sex offender may be difficult to find but a little hard work will pay off.

I hope this helps

Are you an ex-offender or felon who has a question about finding a job with a criminal record? You could have your question answered right here. Email your question to: BelievePublications@comcast.net.


Where can ex-offenders and convicted felons find jobs


Sex offender needs help finding a job


Companies that Hire Felons

Sex offender needs help finding a job