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Hard for sex offender to find a Job

Hard for sex offender to find a Job

Q: Dear Mr. Mayo,

I saw your web site and immediately felt intrigued to respond.  I am an ex-felon currently experiencing extreme resistance returning to the workforce. Sir, with all due respect, if what you’re claiming is true; about finding work after serving time in prison, I pray in “Jesus name,” that you will please share it with me, so I can stop being a burden to my family, and become a blessing by finding honest work.  I have been at liberty for 10 years now, and initially I found it difficult at that time but not impossible to find temporary employment.  However, the last 3.5 years I have been unemployed and increasingly indigent.  I feel I have done virtually everything possible to obtain a legitimate job in my community with no success at all.  It appears all of the prospective employers in my area are discriminatory and unfair in their hiring process; particularly in my unique situation, which I will briefly explain.

I believe I’m not the usual ex-felon case, and without elaborating details, suffice it to say my crime was categorized under the statute of a single non-violent sexual offense.  My demographics are male, mid forties, semi-educated, computer literate, and certified in several areas such as, auto mechanics, machine trades, commercial driving, paralegal studies and more.  I do not smoke, drink or use illegal drugs.  I value principles & punctuality in my work ethics.  I’m intelligent, articulate, polite, patient and attentive, as well as easy to get along with.

However, in spite of my character strengths, credentials, and the infamous Internet criminal background checks abundantly available, I no longer see how to escape the superficially adverse effects and ostracisms that such an unforgiving society has unfairly labeled against reformed people like myself, so we may obtain a job.   I served my sentence, did my time, paid my fines, and successfully complied/exceeded all my obligations.  So I ask you, “Has my debt to society, for those crimes been redeemed?”  If so, then why is the public mainstream depriving me the chance to become a productive and civil minded member of the community, and hindering me from supporting myself and my family?  Obviously, all human beings (even ex-felons), require food, clothing and shelter in order to survive.  Give an ex-felon a second chance to be successful, independent, and productive, and you in turn will not only promote his rehabilitation, but also demonstrate exemplary emulation reinforcing the operative concepts of rehabilitation.  Contrarily, deprive the same individual those opportunities and you endorse a co-dependent propaganda that will only cultivate an inevitable pattern for recidivism, and financial burden upon society.

All I know is what I hear, see, and live to be the truth and reality of my situation.  Had it not been for the loving support of my wife, and my faith and trust in God, I could not successfully walk the straight and narrow.

Having briefly reviewed your claims Mr. Mayo, I humbly suggest to you that most of my problems relate to the immediate need for gainful employment, and it is on this pretext alone, that I sincerely ask you for your generous help to overcome a presently insurmountable obstacle and show me the way I can truly find suitable employment as an EX-felon.  I thank you for any time and effort you devote in this matter.

In Closing, I humbly pray this prayer:  “Heavenly Father, may your blessings be upon your servant Eric Mayo and his works as he touches so many American lives affected by their immediate need for employment.  Grant us the knowledge and the wisdom we so earnestly seek to overcome our challenges, and the determination to see your will through, and it’s in Christ Jesus we pray. Amen!




Hard for sex offender to find a Job


A: Hello Ray,

Unfortunately sex offenders are among the most challenged when it come to finding jobs.  Difficult does not mean impossible. Ex-offenders and felons especially sex offenders stand a better chance at getting hired by applying at smaller businesses. Smaller businesses are less apt to spend money on expensive background checks.

One out-of-the-box suggestion I have is, if the the application on paper, leave the question that relates to having a criminal record blank.  It is often overlooked by being left blank and you won’t have to address the question  at all. If it is noticed, and you are questioned, always answer truthfully. Hopefully you will get an interview where the employer will get a chance to meet the man behind the application and you can sell yourself.

I hope this helps.

Are you an ex-offender or felon who has a question about finding a job with a criminal record? You could have your question answered right here. Email your question to: BelievePublications@comcast.net.

Hard for sex offender to find a Job


Hard for sex offender to find a Job