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Ex-offenders, Tattoos and Jobs

Ex-offenders, Tattoos and Jobs


Finding a job is hard. Finding a job with a criminal record is harder. Finding a job with a criminal record and a facial tattoo while not impossible, is heading to impossible. Unfortunately, I meet too many ex-offenders and felons with visible tattoos. Along with clothing and hairstyles, tattoos have an impact on the way employers receive applicants.

I was working with a young lady who have had a difficult time and was seriously looking for a job. She had her bout with the criminal justice system. Her troubles led to her three children being taken from her and most of her family abandoning her. Finding a job

was the first step in becoming a productive member of society and getting her family back together. Along with her criminal record, she had another roadblock, tattoos on her neck. One one side there was one that read “Stay High,” obviously a reminder of the life she was trying to leave behind. On the other side was the name of a former lover. The only question I could ask her is “How do you think an employer will react to your tattoos?” Her response was, “Maybe they won’t matter.” They probably will matter. The employer may think that she is a gang member or just some wild, reckless rebellious person who doesn’t like rules or just a thug. Those tattoos just look like trouble and most employers have enough so they will most likely pass on her. She may be trying hard to get on track, but who wants to take a chance. How can she overcome this obvious problem? Can she get a job despite these tattoos?

Take a look at the video below. The young lady speaks about how visible tattoos and piercings may affect your ability to get jobs. She offers some suggestions on keeping a professional appearance even with a tattoo.


Having tattoos on the face, neck and other visible areas presents a different situation. Tattoo removal is very expensive, so that option may have to wait until she can afford it. Until then, she can use make-up to conceal them and look like a more mainstream candidate for employment. Take a look at the video below. The young lady offers a pretty detailed method that she uses to hide her tattoo that seems like a relatively inexpensive solution to a real problem.


Hiding a tattoo may be the finishing touch on that all important professional appearance that just may convince an employer to hire you.

Ex-offenders, Tattoos and Jobs


Jobs for Felons: How to Dress for a Business Interview


I have been helping ex-offenders and felons get jobs for over ten years and I feel I have an understanding of what works. I will be updating this blog often. I will answer specific questions relating to getting a job with a criminal record on this blog so feel free to send me your questions. You can send email me at believepublications@comcast.net
If you are really serious about getting a job or you want to help someone you care about get a job, check out this link: From Jail to a Job


companies that hire felons


Jobs for Felons: The Facts about Companies that Hire Ex offenders and Felons (2021)


Ex-offenders, Tattoos and Jobs


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