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Female ex-offenders: Interview Clothes

Female ex-offenders: Interview Clothes


I get so many letters and emails from ex-offenders and felons looking for job search advice.  Increasingly, I am getting more letters from female ex-offenders looking for information.  In my experience many ex-offenders and felons, both men and women are not sure what to wear to make a good impression on an interview.  It is so important to make a powerful first impression because you will never get a second chance to do it.

Before I get to what to wear, I will run down a list of things never to wear.

Clothing that does not fit well.  If you have to constantly pull down or pull up, it does not fit.  Make sure all of your clothes fit well.  Anything short or revealing is definitely not acceptable.

No type of denim (skirts or pants) is acceptable.

Never wear capri pants or any type of shorts.

No white or off-white pants

No excessive jewelry (one ring per hand, one bracelet per wrist, one set of earrings, no larger than a quarter.)  Facial piercings or tongue rings are never acceptable.

No extreme hairstyles or weaves.  The hair should not cover any part of the face.  Never wear unnatural hair color or crazy things like scarves bandannas or sunglasses on your head.

Never wear any kind of work boots, sneakers, flip-flops or shoes with a heel of over three inches.

No extreme nail polish or excessively long nails.

No bear legs or arms.  No one should ever see your arms or bare legs.  Pantyhose should be worn whenever you wear a skirt. All tattoos must be covered.


Female ex-offenders: Interview Clothes


Now that we covered everything not to do, let’s at what is the  best thing to do.

How do you look?  Do you look like an ex-offender or a business woman?  Do you look like you are going to a business meeting or a night out at the club? The answer should be a business meeting.  You should look like a professional who is there to conduct business!  Always dress like you have an interview even to fill out applications. You also want to leave the employer with the impression that you are a first class individual. Remember you will never get a second chance to make a first impression.

The ideal dress is a classic skirted or pant suit with a light colored blouse or a simple dress that doesn’t rise above the knee.  Do not wear anything too tight or too revealing.  The cleavage should always be covered.  Be sure to wear pumps with a moderate heel that match your outfit. Make sure they are neat and clean.  Like we said before, pantyhose should always be worn and they should be a light, natural color with no pattern.

Once again, hair should be neatly done and of natural color.  Short hairstyles are best, but neatly done longer hair is perfectly acceptable.  The nails should be neatly trimmed with tasteful polish.  The make-up should be natural looking with no bright colors.  One set of earrings (no larger than a quarter,) no facial piercings or tongue ornaments, one ring per hand and no more than one bracelet per wrist.

Avoid the use of overpowering perfumes, or oils.  Bathing with quality soap will leave a light scent that is usually enough.  If you must wear perfume, a little will go a long way.

Female ex-offenders and felons have a difficult time finding jobs just like their male counterparts. When they find opportunities, they have to make e the most of them.  Making a professional impression will help them make the most of those opportunities.


Advice for ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs : What to wear to the interview

 Jobs for Female Felons: What to Wear to an Interview and other Tips

Jobs for Female Felons: What Not to Wear to an Interview

Jobs for Female Felons:  Fashion Do’s and Don’ts of the Interview

Female ex-offenders: Interview Clothes

I have been helping ex-offenders and felons get jobs for over ten years and I feel I have an understanding of what works. I will be updating this blog often. I will answer specific questions relating to getting a job with a criminal record on this blog so feel free to send me your questions. You can send email me at believepublications@comcast.net
If you are really serious about getting a job with a criminal record or helping someone you care about get a job, check out this link: From Jail to a Job

This Book Has Helped Thousands of Felons Get Jobs ! You can get a copy of this book for as little as $5.00 Click Here!

Female ex-offenders: Interview Clothes



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