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Expungement may help felons get jobs after college

Expungement may help felons get jobs after college


A: I have a felony conviction for selling marijuana. I finished the terms of my probation without even the slightest infraction. I am currently going to college and am expecting to get my bachelors degree in about another year and a half. My question is when I am finished with school, which should be over 7 years from the conviction date, do I have to put the offense down on a job application? Do I need to go through some sort of legal proceedings to expunge or clear it from my record? Thanks in advance for all your help.




Expungement may help felons get jobs after college


A: Hello Kelsey,

Expungement is a tricky thing and it will vary from state to state. How and how long convictions are considered will also vary. I suggest you seek legal assistance to see what processes are available in your state and how they may effect your conviction. Often ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs will get help from local legal aid offices. Legal aid offices are usually staffed with young eager attorneys that offer free or low-cost legal advice and assistance.

I hope this helps.

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Employment Background Checks – Know Your Rights

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Expungement – A Way to Erase Your Criminal Record

Are you an ex-offender who has a question about finding a job with a criminal record? You could have your question answered right here. Email your question to: BelievePublications@comcast.net.
If you are really serious about getting a job with a criminal record or helping someone you care about get a job, check out this link: From Jail to a Job


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Expungement may help felons get jobs after college