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Felon wants job as a mechanic

Felon wants job as a mechanic




I’m 23 yo male that has just moved from Virginia to Florida. I got in trouble 4 years ago to this month and I’m having the hardest of times trying to get a job. I have automotive vocational experience and a high level of mechanical experience. I’ve applied to jobs having all the appraisal of bringing me on and as soon as they see my criminal record its a lost cause.

Most of the jobs I apply for I’m well qualified for but my criminal record is holding me back from acquiring a job in my skill set or anything remotely close to it. I have no idea what to do. I’m completely frustrated and don’t know what to do. I apply for jobs every single day just to get in anywhere, and I have absolutely no luck. I’ve even went to a temp agency past their tests with flying colors and was denied. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Felon wants job as a mechanic


A: Hello,

Unfortunately there are no easy answers here. You have an advantage over most ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs. You have a marketable skill. With a mechanics trade you could find work in an independent garage. I suggest grabbing the yellow pages and making a list of all the garages in your area. Can call each one to inquire about open positions. If need be, start as a mechanic’s helper and wait for more opportunity. Most small businesses do not do background checks because they can be expensive.

When it time to complete an application, you may opt to leave blank any questions relating to criminal records. If the question does come on an interview, be honest but, as I suggest to ex-offenders and felons, simply acknowledge the charge but don’t spend a lot of time talking about it. Concentrate on your skills as a mechanic.

Also, you will be able to get job search help at your local One-stop Career Center. There you will find a list of services that can help you find work. There are also counselors there who have experience working with ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs. There you will also find a list of available jobs in your area,

You can find the nearest One-stop Career Center here:




Companies that hire felons



Where can ex-offenders and convicted felons find jobs


Are you an ex-offender or felon who has a question about finding a job with a criminal record? I have been helping ex-offenders and felons get jobs for over ten years and I feel I have an understanding of what works. I will be updating this blog often. I will answer specific questions relating to getting a job with a criminal record on this blog so feel free to send me your questions. You could have your question answered right here. Email your question to: BelievePublications@comcast.net.

If you are really serious about getting a job with a criminal record or helping someone you care about get a job, check out this link: From Jail to a Job


Felon wants job as a mechanic

Companies Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Felons | Jobs For Felons | Jobs For Ex-offenders | Jobs That Hire Felons | Places That Hire Felons | Felon Friendly Jobs | Felon Friendly Employers | Jobs for Felons | Jobs For People That Have Felonies | Jobs For People With A Criminal Record