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Oklahoma Felon Seeks Job Search Help

Oklahoma Felon Seeks Job Search Help


Hello Mr. Mayo,

I live in Tulsa, OK. I was convicted of possession with intent to distribute marijuana. I didn’t do any jail time. With all of that, I am not able to find a job here in Oklahoma. Recently I had an interview and gave one employer a bond paper to fill out during an interview, I thought they would hire me because companies get a big tax break from the government if they for hire felons, however they did not hire me. I used to lie, because my felony just began to showing up after 9/11. I probably would have gotten the job, if I had not been a felon.

I don’t know what to do. I filled out application after application but I still haven’t found anything. Do you know of any jobs here in Oklahoma that hires felons. I keep hearing about the government and the second chance program but I can’t find any information on it on the internet or any program that get a felon jobs. I found your page looking for information.

Thank you for your help.



Oklahoma Felon Seeks Job Search Help


Hello JR,

I’m sorry you are having so much trouble. Unfortunately you may be confused about the government programs and how the can be used by ex-offenders and felons to get jobs. You mentioned that you gave the bond form to the interviewer. The program you are referring to is the Federal Bonding Program. The Federal Bonding Program is program sponsored by the Department of Labor. This program was created to assist high-risk, but qualified, job seekers who have bona fide offers of employment. The Federal Bonding Program offers a business insurance policy that protects an employer against any possible losses incurred due to actions by high-risk employees. An employer may be more inclined to hire a felon if there is insurance that they are protected against loss due any type of theft or fraud committed by the employee. You can only be bonded if you have been promised a job. During an interview, you should mention that you could be bonded. It may be possible that the interviewer didn’t know what the form was for or knew nothing about the program itself.

You can find out more about the Federal Bonding Program and how it works here:

The Federal Bonding Program

You mention the form and tax breaks in the same sentence but there are two totally separate programs. The tax break you may be referring to is the Work Opportunity or WTOC. Federal tax credits are available to employers for hiring individuals from certain target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment. One of those target groups are ex-offenders and felons who have been released within the past year. You can find more information here:

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

As far as you finding a job, You mention that you had an interview so that’s a good sign. Even though you didn’t get hired, you were considered so hopefully, you can get more interviews. You have to keep applying . Getting a job for a felon is a numbers game. The more jobs you apply for, the more interviews you will get. The more interviews you get, the greater your chances of getting hired. You just have to find an employer who will look past your criminal record. There some resources available near you.

Workforce Oklahoma

Workforce Oklahoma are the One-Stop Career centers in Oklahoma. You can get job search assistance from trained counselors, federal, state and local job listings, classified employment ads, job referrals, employability skills workshops and resume workshops.You can also get help getting a resume and interviewing help.

Web Site: www.workforceok.org/locator


Community Action Project of Tulsa County

Community Action Project of Tulsa County (CAP) is designed to assist those with modest incomes to obtain basic necessities, including a home, food, quality education, childcare, school supplies, health care and economic security for the future. Currently, CAP offers programs that provide support in housing, employment, education, childcare, tax preparation assistance, social services, emergency aid, medical services, and advocacy.

Community Action Project of Tulsa County
717 S. Houston, Suite 200
Tulsa, OK 74127
Web Site: https://captulsa.org/

I hope this gets you started JR. best of luck


 Check out this link!


Are you an ex-offender or felon who has a question about finding a job with a criminal record? I have been helping ex-offenders and felons get jobs for over ten years and I feel I have an understanding of what works.

I will answer specific questions relating to getting a job with a criminal record on this blog so feel free to send me your questions. The right information could help a felon get a job. You could have your question answered right here. Email your question to: BelievePublications@comcast.net.

Oklahoma Felon Seeks Job Search Help


Oklahoma Felon Seeks Job Search Help


Oklahoma Felon Seeks Job Search Help