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Female felon is looking for jobs

Q: Hello,

My name is Sally,

I am a 28 year old female from Farmington, New Mexico. Since I was 18 I had a meth problem, various times in jail and rehab, I last used July 2006 and since that last time received a high school diploma in 2008 and a forklift certification in 2009. Unfortunately I have never been able to use it. I have had a hard time finding regular steady work every since I quit using. I have worked under the table or odd jobs to make ends meet. I have tried to get help from the employment office and all they could offer me is a book for ex-felons and tests to improve skills. I choose not to go to school because I am uncertain in fields I would be allowed in and not sure I have the education to start college without a lot of extra help. I am at my wits end and very depressed about it. Staffing agencies won’t help and running out of options. I read some that you could help someone like me and all I want is a career and to be proud of what I went through to become a nice person working hard to contribute to society. Please if you could help me or talk me through what steps I should take to help improve my life to help improve others I would be grateful and take any advice. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter.


Female felon is looking for jobs


A: Hello Sally,

I’m sorry you’re having so much difficulty. Steady readers of this blog are familiar with the following suggestion. I encourage all ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs to visit their local One-stop Career Center. One-stop Career Centers are very underutilized resources that a felon can use not only to find jobs, but to get career guidance and training. In addition, these centers provide a long list of valuable services. Services available include referrals to employment, career counseling, assistance with job search and placement, access to computers/internet, resume preparation, phone/fax machines, copy machines, interest, aptitude and basic skills testing and other special programs tailored to meet employment needs of those with barriers to employment.

Each center has trained counselors that provide one-on-one assistance. Many of them have experience helping ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs.

The nearest One-stop Career Center to you is:

New Mexico Workforce Connection

600 West Arrington
Farmington, NM 87401
phn: 505-327-6126

The rest of my readers can find their nearest One-stop Career Center here:

One-Stop Career Centers

I hope this helps.

Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Where Ex-offenders and Felons Can Find Jobs


Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to getting a Job with a Criminal record



Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Updated List of Companies that Hire Ex-offenders and Felons

Are you an ex-offender or felon who has a question about finding a job with a criminal record? You could have your question answered right here. Email your question to: BelievePublications@comcast.net.


Female felon is looking for jobs

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One Response

  1. Avatar for Deborah J. Deborah J. October 17, 2018