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Wife of felon in Illinois wants to help

Wife of felon in Illinois wants to help
Help this Felon

Q: My husband has a class x felony for armed robbery which he was charged for in 2007. He has served his time and is having a really hard time with finding employment. We have 2 kids and need the financial income of both he and I in order to maintain. He is looking for work but can’t find anything. We live in the state of Illinois. Do you have any suggestions? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards

Wife of felon in Illinois wants to help


A: I’m sorry your family is having so much trouble. I’m not sure what part of Illinois you live in, but I will list a few service agencies that provide assistance for ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs. Perhaps there is one near you.


Westside Health Authority’s Community Reentry and Employment Services Program helps the ex-offenders and felons in the city of Chicago successfully reintegrate back into society by providing assistance with training and job placement. There may also be referrals to family services.



The address is:

5814-16 West Division Street
Chicago, IL 60651
Ph: (773) 786-0226


Illinois Employment and Training Centers offer many services that can help your husband land a job. Among those services are listings of open jobs in your area. You can get one-on-one job search assistance from trained counselors. There are also career training resources. The link below will help you find the center nearest you.



The Chicago Jobs Council (CJC) is an organization of more than 100 community-based organizations, civic groups, businesses and individuals. CJC works with disadvantaged people and families to help improve the quality of their lives. You can get more information about CJC here:




Heartland Alliance for Human Needs and Human Rights Transitional Jobs – Re-Entry program places participants in subsidized employment for 20-30 hours per week at the minimum wage over a 3 to 6 month period. The program combines skill building and meaningful work experience with supportive services to help ex-offenders and felons successfully re-integrate into the workforce. You can find more information here:


Jobs for Ex-offenders and Felons: Ten Steps to getting a Job with a Criminal record

Are you an ex-offender or felon who has a question about finding a job with a criminal record? ‘Eric Mayo helps Felons and Ex-offenders get Jobs You could have your question answered right here. Email your question to: BelievePublications@comcast.net.

Wife of felon in Illinois wants to help

Wife of felon in Illinois wants to help