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Jobs for Felons: Five Things that get Ex-offenders and Felons Jobs

Jobs for Felons: Five Things that get Ex-offenders and Felons Jobs

Jobs for Felons: Five Things that get Ex-offenders and Felons Jobs


I talk to people with criminal records everyday and I see first hand how very difficult it is for them to get jobs. I see them run into roadblock after roadblock. There is good news. Ex-offenders and felons get hired everyday so it is not hopeless.

There are several things that ex-offenders and felons can do that can increase their opportunities to get hired.

Get a Well Written Resume – A resume is a very powerful job search tool and gives you a way to make a great first impression. Look at a resume as a sales brochure. A resume allows you to present your skills, experience, and educational background in a professional way. Everyone looking for a job should have a resume. I have been helping ex-offenders and felons get jobs for many years and I would never send one of my students out on the job hunt without one. “Do I really need one?” The answer is “Yesssss you do, and it better be very good!” There is a lot of competition for jobs out there and if you do not have a good resume, you will be at a disadvantage.

If you do not know how to write one, I strongly suggest you get someone who does. You can get help with one at the One-stop Career Center (see below.)


Get Professional Interview Clothing – Do you have professional interview clothing? A well fitting suit with a nice shirt and tie would the best thing to wear to an interview. A new suit may not be possible for someone just coming home but I suggest that men at minimum have dress slacks, a light colored shirt and a coordinated tie. You should also have a pair of shoes that can be shined. Not boots, not sneakers…shoes! For women, the ideal dress is a classic skirted or pant suit with a light colored blouse or a simple dress that doesn’t come above the knee. Do not wear anything too tight or too revealing. The cleavage should always be covered. Be sure to wear shoes with a moderate heel that match your outfit. Make sure they are neat and clean. Pantyhose should always be worn and they should be a light, natural color with no pattern.

Some of my students who do not have a lot of money, buy their interview clothing at thrift stores. They find high quality clothes at very low prices. They take them home, clean and press them and you are ready to make a professional impression on an interview. If you can afford new interview clothes, that’s great. Either way, the right clothing will make all the difference. Try on the clothes you plan to wear on an interview Take a look in the mirror. What do you see? Do you see a dressed up ex-offender or a businessman on your way to a business meeting? You had better – an interview is definitely a business meeting. You should always look like a professional who is there to conduct business! Always dress like you have an interview even to fill out applications. You always want to leave people you meet with the impression that you have class.

Female ex-offenders and felons: Interview Clothes


Get Some Great References – Increasingly employers are asking for references when deciding who to hire. Ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs should have good references that will help them make a good impression on employers. A strong set of references from the right people can help you land a job.

Basically, references are upstanding members of the community who could say something positive about you . A good reference could help an employer look past your criminal record. Good references could be religious leaders, past teachers, former classmates, previous employers and local civic leaders.

Most employment applications ask for three references. You should have at least four just in case. For each one, you should have a name, title, and contact information. Keep your contact information current at all times. It is always a good practice to get permission ahead of time from anyone you wish to use a reference.

Ex-offenders and felons can increase their chances to get jobs by getting some great references.


Practice to Build up Interviewing Skills – While it is very difficult for ex-offenders and felons to get interviews, when one comes along, you must make the most of the golden opportunity. With everything on the line, it’s your performance on the interview that will get you the job. Like we mentioned above, the interview is a business meeting. It is important to be personable and friendly. Develop a friendly smile and a good handshake. A pleasant smile and good eye contact will help the interviewer focus on your personality rather than the fact that you have a criminal record.

While personality is important, keep it businesslike at all times. Give full responses to the interviewer’s questions but never offer information that is not asked for. If a question about your record comes up, and it probably will, briefly talk about it but do not spend too much time with the details. Talk about what has happened since your conviction and what you have done to make yourself a better person. You have to make the interviewer forget that you are an ex-offender.

The best way to develop good interviewing skills is to practice. Get a friend or family member to help you by playing the part of the interviewer. Make a list of tough interview questions and practice until your answers sound sincere and natural. Pay attention to your body language. You will find that the more you practice the better you will do when the real thing comes.


Jobs for Felons: Five Things that get Ex-offenders and Felons Jobs


Find Good Job Leads – Finding a job in today’s economy can be tough, but there are opportunities for ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs if you know where to look.

I meet people who need jobs. The first thing they do is get the newspaper want ads to find jobs. There may be some people who get hired this way but there are more effective ways to find good job leads.

Many people found out about their jobs from people they know. The vast majority of job openings are never advertised, they’re filled by word of mouth. Most jobs are never advertised because they are usually filled by personal contacts. In fact, employers would rather hire someone referred to them by people they know rather than to painfully sort through resumes and applications. “This hidden job market” is often missed by ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs, but it is the single most powerful way to get good job leads. This is called networking.

Networking is nothing more than contacting people you already know and asking if they know of any job openings. You may think that you don’t know anyone who can help you with your job search, but you know more people than you think. There’s a very good chance that at least a few of these people know someone who can direct you to a job opening. Networking is not just family, friends and neighbors. Your network includes old classmates, teachers, co-workers, employers, your fellow church members and religious leaders, even the people you do business with (doctors, barbers, landlord.) Don’t forget people on social media. Start writing down names, and you’ll be surprised just how many people you know. Each one is a potential lead for a job.

Another great source of good job opportunities is to apply for temporary employment. Often employers need temporary help. Many temporary employees are hired permanently if they prove to be good workers. Smaller independent agencies are a better choice than larger, nationally known staffing companies. Independent agencies do not have hiring restrictions that some nation-wide companies have. They are free to hire anyone they choose. They are more likely to hire a person with a criminal record. You may find some in your local telephone book. Put on that shirt and tie, shine those shoes and apply to them as you would any other employer.

I encourage all ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs to go to their local One-stop Career Center. You will find a long list of services that can help you find work. You will also find lists of available jobs in your area. There are also counselors who can provide one-on-one assistance. Often the counselors have experience helping people with criminal records and know of employers who may hire them. The counselors can also help you find opportunities for vocational training that could lead to a new career. All of these services are free of charge

You can find you nearest One-stop Career Center here:


Find a job with a criminal record is difficult, but using the above tips will make it a lot easier.


Jobs for felons: Where Ex-offenders and Felons can find Jobs

Are you an ex-offender or felon who has a question about finding a job with a criminal record? I have been helping ex-offenders and felons get jobs for over ten years and I feel I have an understanding of what works. I will be updating this blog often. I will answer specific questions relating to getting a job with a criminal record on this blog so feel free to send me your questions. The right information could help felons get jobs. You could have your question answered right here. Email your question to: BelievePublications@comcast.net

If you are a felon and really serious about getting a job or you want to help someone you care about get a job, check out this link: From Jail to a Job



Companies Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Felons | Companies That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Ex-offenders | Employers That Hire Felons | Jobs For Felons | Jobs For Ex-offenders | Jobs That Hire Felons | Resumes for Felons | Felon Friendly Jobs | Felon Friendly Employers | Jobs for Felons | Jobs For People That Have Felonies | Jobs For People With A Criminal Record

Jobs for Felons: Five Things that get Ex-offenders and Felons Jobs

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