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Felon in AZ needs advice about jobs

Felon in AZ needs advice about jobs


Charlie Leight/The Republic
Kyle Furman (left) and Jeziree Pryer, inmates at Maricopa County’s Tent City Jail, on Wednesday attend a workshop for soon-to-be-released offenders led by job experts from the non-profit St. Joseph the Worker.

Q: Hello about 10 years ago I received two felonies in Arizona. One is for arson and the other for aggravated assault. I’m a vet and plan to go back to college. What are my chances to be able to get a job in working for hospitals or in any in areas of that nature?

I know about the bonding will that help????

Felon in AZ needs advice about jobs

A: Hello RW,

I’m not sure what your chances are, but I suggest to all ex-offenders and felons looking for jobs apply for everything they feel they are qualified for. Unless there are some regulations against hiring felons, I would apply. A blind man will hit something if he throws enough rocks.

The best place to start is the

Arizona Department of Economic Security –

There you will find services that can prepare your for a job or get referrals and assistance for career training of other education. There are also listing for jobs in your immediate area. At their website you can post your resume and apply for available positions online. You can find more information here:

Arizona Department of Economic Security

You stated that you are familiar with the bonding process. Being able to be bonded can be a huge selling point for felons looking for jobs. The Federal Bonding Program provides bonding for individuals with criminal records who may not be able to bonded commercially because of their backgrounds. A bond can be issued once an applicant has a promise of employment. There is someone at your local Arizona Department of Economic Security office or you can find more information here:


Are you an ex-offender or felon who has a question about finding a job with a criminal record? I have been helping ex-offenders and felons get jobs for over ten years and I feel I have an understanding of what works. I will be updating this blog often. I will answer specific questions relating to getting a job with a criminal record on this blog so feel free to send me your questions. The right information could help felons get jobs. You could have your question answered right here. Email your question to: BelievePublications@comcast.net.

If you are a felon and really serious about getting a job or you want to help someone you care about get a job, check out this link: From Jail to a Job


Felon in AZ needs advice about jobs

Felon in AZ needs advice about jobs